Learning from Organizers -- Lorraine Lam
July 26th, 2024
Steve September was born into the struggle against South African apartheid, and today he is the chair of the Anti-Racism Coalition (ARC) Vancouver, a grassroots group working to end all forms of racial inequality through education, legislation, and social events. … Continue reading
Tonye Aganaba and Chantelle Spicer live in the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh people, in what is colonially known as Vancouver. They are active in the Defund 604 Network, a collective that organizes around police and prison … Continue reading
Jonny Sopotiuk is a visual artist, a curator, and a community and labour organizer. Zandi Dandizette is a new media installation artist and an arts and culture worker. Both are founding members of the Vancouver Artists Labour Union Co-operative (VALU … Continue reading
Will George is a member of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation. Their territory, located in and around what is now called “Vancouver,” will be directly impacted by the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline expansion project. Scott Neigh interviews George about the project and about … Continue reading
Sharon Fortney is the Curator of Indigenous Collections and Engagement at the Museum of Vancouver. Scott Neigh interviews her about the complicated colonial history of museums and about the Acts of Resistance exhibit. It features the massive banners designed by … Continue reading
Imtiaz Popat is a therapeutic counsellor in Vancouver. He is also the coordinator of the local chapter of Salaam: Queer Muslim Community, and he has played a central role in the Two-Spirit and LGBT People of Colour Alliance and the … Continue reading
Garth Mullins is an activist and organizer who has been part of many different movements, as well as a freelance journalist and an award-winning broadcaster. He has been a drug user for most of his adult life – primarily heroin … Continue reading