Learning from Organizers -- Emma Jackson
December 10th, 2024
Jillian Maguire and Kim Benson are teachers in British Columbia. As such, they are both members of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), and they have recently been organizing to get their pension plan to divest from fossil fuel industries. … Continue reading
Stephanie Fung is the communications organizer for UNITE HERE Local 40, which represents workers in the hospitality industry in British Columbia. Rajani Tadaka is a hotel worker in Vancouver and a member of Local 40. In the wake of the … Continue reading
Jonny Sopotiuk is a visual artist, a curator, and a community and labour organizer. Zandi Dandizette is a new media installation artist and an arts and culture worker. Both are founding members of the Vancouver Artists Labour Union Co-operative (VALU … Continue reading
Nick Driedger lives in northern Alberta and has been involved in organizing workers for almost 20 years. He has been part of a number of different unions, including the Candian Union of Postal Workers and the Industrial Workers of the … Continue reading
Christine Bro is the lead organizer with Local 2 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and she is based in Vancouver. Quentin Rowe-Codner is a sales associated at a private liquor store in Maple Ridge, BC. Scott Neigh interviews them about SEIU Local … Continue reading
Derek Blackadder went to his first union meeting in the 1970s, and since the 1980s has been involved in multiple ways in shaping how the labour movement has made use of digital communication techology. Scott Neigh interviews him about that long history of … Continue reading
Mayson Fulk works in manufacturing in London, Ontario, and is a member of the United Steelworkers. Among other roles, he serves as their trans liaison for District 6, which covers all of Canada. Scott Neigh interviews him about what unions … Continue reading