Learning from Organizers -- Emma Jackson
December 10th, 2024
Sakura Saunders and Rachel Small are long-time organizers with experience in a range of movements. Both are active with World Beyond War, a decentralized global network with the goal not just of opposing the war of the day but of … Continue reading
Anna Badillo and David Heap are members of People for Peace, a local grassroots peace group in the city of London in southwestern Ontario. Scott Neigh interviews them about the group’s two decades of action on a wide range of … Continue reading
Scott Neigh — Talking Radical Radio · Stopping Canada from spending $19 billion on new fighter jets Tamara Lorincz is a long-time peace and justice activist and a member of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Brent Patterson has also been … Continue reading
Simon Black is an assistant professor of Labour Studies at Brock University in St. Catherines, Ontario, who been active in the anti-poverty and labour movements since he was a teenager. He is also a founder of Labour Agains the Arms … Continue reading
Doug Hewitt-White is a retired civil servant and the current chair of the board of Conscience Canada. Murray Lumley is a retired teacher and Scott Albrecht is a bookkeeper, and both are members of the organization’s board. Scott Neigh interviews … Continue reading
Dave Gehl and Ed Lehman are members of the Regina Peace Council. Over their decades of involvement in issues of war and peace, they have seen the peace movement grow and shrink multiple times. They believe that the world needs … Continue reading
Trudy Govier first became involved in peace issues in the early 1980s. She was one of the founders in 1982 of the peace group currently known as the Ploughshares Calgary Society, and today she is still involved. Scott Neigh talks … Continue reading