Learning from Organizers -- Emma Jackson
December 10th, 2024
Peter Zimmer and Camila Fisher are avid cyclists and members of the Halifax Cycling Coalition, an organization committed to making their city safer and all-around better for cycling. Scott Neigh interviews them about the challenges that cyclists face in Halifax … Continue reading
Stacey Gomez lives in Halifax (aka Kjipuktuk) in Nova Scotia, within Mi’kmaqi, and she is a migrant justice organizer with No One Is Illegal – Halifax/Kjipuktuk. Scott Neigh interviews her about the group’s origins and about its work as the … Continue reading
Vicky Levack is a human rights advocate based in Halifax whose work focuses on disability and on gender, with a particular interest in housing issues. These days, she is active with the PADS Community Network, a new grassroots formation in … Continue reading
Sakura Saunders is on the board of the Halifax Workers Action Centre and Lisa Cameron is on its organizing committee. They speak with me about the struggles faced by low-wage and precarious workers in the city, and about the work … Continue reading
Liane Tessier is a former firefighter who fought a landmark human rights case related to workplace harassment and gender discrimination in Halifax. Judy Haiven is a retired professor from the business school at Saint Mary’s University who taught industrial relations. … Continue reading
LaMeia Reddick is a community worker and consultant in Halifax. Ted Rutland is an associate professor in the Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment at Concordia University in Montreal and the author of Displacing Blackness: Planning, Power, and Race in … Continue reading
El Jones is a poet, educator, and organizer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and is the city’s former poet laureate. She is deeply involved in working for justice for prisoners through a combined prisoner-led radio show and community organization called … Continue reading