In the world of grassroots radio, it’s not always easy to keep track of when and where your show is finding its way to the airwaves. As stations do their best to meet the needs of their local community, they add and subtract and move things around, and they don’t always pass along the details of their changes to the producers of syndicated shows.
Nonetheless, I try to keep on top of things, and I just did an update to my list of communities where you can listen to Talking Radical Radio over the airwaves — one station appears to have dropped it since I last checked, two picked it up, and a few have shuffled it around. As best as I can tell, you can hear it every week in Prince George, Powell River, and Lake Cowichan, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Sudbury, Guelph, and Hamilton, Ontario; Saint John, New Brunswick; and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Other stations play it on an occasional basis, and I know it has aired in Vancouver, Montreal, and Waterloo in the last year, and probably other cities as well.
And, of course, you can listen to every single episode, from the very first to the very latest, at, and for those of you who are podcast savy, you can subscribe by XML or subscribe by iTunes.
If you want to inquire about broadcasting the show or to make a correction to my listing, send me an email at [email protected]. It is also available for download through the National Campus and Community Radio Association program exchange.
Thanks for listening!