(Published at Rabble.ca on March 29, 2012.)
Exile and Pride (Classics Edition): Disability, Queerness, and Liberation by Eli Clare (South End Press, 2009; $19.99)
I often feel that describing the pieces that I write in response to books as “reviews” is a bit inaccurate because I only occasionally relate to the books in question in the ways that a review is, traditionally, supposed to. What I write tend to be more reactions or reflections or responses, or just meanderings. Nonetheless, I inevitably end up deciding just to sit with that unease — to accept that the label “review” doesn’t always quite fit the way it is normatively intended and to trouble and loosen it by taking it on anyway. In the case of this book, I’m afraid that what I write will be more of a moderately reflective fanboy “squee” than a proper review.
Exile and Pride is a memoir by activist, author and poet Eli Clare, who moves through the world as a white transguy (formerly lesbian) with cerebral palsy. It is…
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