I interviewed Richard North, along with his partner Chris Vogel, at their home in Winnipeg. Richard grew up in London, Ontario. He came out as gay in 1972 and for many years thereafter was involved in gay liberation activities. He and Vogel engaged in the first widely publicized same-sex marriage in Canada in 1974, and their later legal battle to have North recognized as a legitimate recipient of Vogel’s medical benefits was one of a number of high profile cases that advanced gay rights. As part of the long struggle to get sexual orientation covered by human rights legislation in Manitoba, North went on a fifty-nine day hunger strike in 1985. He also managed one of Winnipeg’s gay club rooms, and has contributed in many other ways to gay organizing in Winnipeg over the decades.
Material from North on this site:
- An audio clip of Vogel and North talking about both local and national grassroots produciton of queer media in earlier years, and about the national organizational form (or lack thereof) of the early gay and lesbian movement in Canada.
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