Learning from Organizers -- Emma Jackson
December 10th, 2024
Emma Cunningham is a resident of Pickering, Ontario, and a member of Environmental Action Now Ajax-Pickering (EANAP). Recently, EANAP won an important victory against an attempt to use a provincial Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) to override planning and environmental processes … Continue reading
Michelle Stein and Bill Noll are members of Protect Our Waterways – No Nuclear Waste, a group of concerned residents of South Bruce, Ontario, who have come together in opposition to the proposal to put a high-level radioactive waste storage … Continue reading
Ezra Morse is a software engineer and an engineering manager. Ray Woroniak has worked as a wilderness guide and an organic vegetable farmer, and currently is a stay-at-home parent. Both live in Qualicum Beach, a town of about 9000 people … Continue reading
Kari Glynes Elliott is a board member of the Ottawa Transit Riders. Scott Neigh interviews her about the city’s transit system, including its troubled light rail (LRT) project, and about her group’s advocacy to make public transit in Ottawa more … Continue reading
Scott Beaver is the president of the St. Mary’s River Association. Chris Hunter is a past president of that organization and he is currently the program director for Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island with the Atlantic Salmon Federation. Scott … Continue reading
Maia Wikler lives in Vancouver and works as the Digital Communications Coordinator for Raven Trust, an organization whose mission is to fundraise to support First Nations in legal battles. Scott Neigh interviews her about the Pull Together campaign, a collaboration … Continue reading
Ramona Neckoway is a professor at the University College of the North in Thompson Manitoba. She is also a member of Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, a hydro-impacted community. Stephane McLachlan is a professor at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Both … Continue reading